On-Demand Medical Waste Management App: An Untouched Healthcare Business Segment for 2024

10 months ago

We’re surprised.

Medical waste management is something no one is talking about, especially healthcare entrepreneurs. 

But trust us.

They are misfiring a billion-dollar opportunity. 

As per reports, the global medical waste management industry was valued at US$ 6.90 billion in 2020 and it is anticipated to surpass US$ 11.92 billion by 2030. 

This is a huge number! You can easily take a huge bite out of it with the launch of an on-demand medical waste management app.  

What is an On-Demand Medical Waste Management App?  

Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare entities produce a pile of medical waste every day. 

Some of the medical waste is so hazardous that they have to get rid of it on the same day. 

But since all scheduling and dispatch operations at both hospitals and vendors' sides are performed manually on papers and through calls, it is pretty common to experience delayed pick-up, high cost, and poor management. 

An on-demand medical waste management app empowers hospitals to request a pick-up for medical waste anytime in the day by entering basic details of medical waste and its rough quantity. 

The vendor accepts the job request, visits the hospital, and picks up the medical waste within 2 hours of the request being raised. 

This way, the entire operation is performed online without calling anyone and in a true on-demand manner. 

How Does On-Demand Medical Waste Management App Work?

An on-demand medical waste disposal app or software works on two fronts. 

Front #1: Healthcare settings 

  • Healthcare settings including hospitals and clinics create their profile by providing their contact and address details. 
  • A hospital now wants to get rid of medical waste. It adds basic details of medical waste and its estimated quantity. 
  • It also adds further information that helps drivers find the easy spot for picking up medical waste. 
  • At last, the hospital pays the bill - auto-generated by the app itself - to place the job order. 
  • The hospital receives notification when the vendor accepts the job request.  Now, the hospital can track the vendor coming up to pick up the medical waste in real time.  
  • The hospital can rate its overall experience. 

Front #2: Vendors or businesses that handle medical waste 

  • The vendor receives the notification of a new job request. Before accepting or declining it, the vendor can view the job details. 
  • Now, the vendor can either accept or reject the job request. 
  • If he accepts the job request, a notification is sent to the hospital. 
  • The vendor can now plan the route and assign the task to his team members from his dashboard. 
  • The vendor and his team members can communicate with each other as well as with the hospital. 
  • On the completion of the job, the vendor receives the payment. 

If you are wondering, a sophisticated algorithm decides the fare after considering many factors to keep transparency in place! 

Why Do You Need to Invest in Building an On-Demand Medical Waste Management App? 

The reasons are nothing but the ways it solves age-old challenges of the industry!

  • It saves time and cost 

Both vendors and hospitals do not need to call anyone to raise requests for medical waste management. 

Moreover, healthcare settings can get rid of medical waste in an on-demand manner.

Meaning, they don’t have to wait until the monthly or weekly pick-up day comes.

They can raise requests at any time any day. 

Such flexibility saves a lot of time and eventually costs. 

  • It promotes transparency

No human is superior here.

It is algorithms that decide everything. Most importantly, it decides the fare.

Thus, there is no scope for negotiation and a biased price policy. 

Moreover, vendors can easily promote their services with several promo codes and other referral offers which is not feasible without an app! 

  • It manages things pretty fast 

Be it billing, task assigning, or route planning, it manages major operations by itself and frees up vendors from time-consuming and tedious tasks. 

If we say in one line, vendors can manage all of their business operations from a single dashboard. 

  • It doubles up earning opportunities 

For healthcare settings, an app is the easiest way to book medical waste management services.

That’s why more healthcare settings are likely to use it which results in higher business for vendors. 

Consider Adding These Features to Your Medical Waste Disposal Software for a Remarkable User Experience 

Well, features are the most important part of any app or software because of these 3 reasons.

Firstly, it ensures the highest-ever user experience. 

Secondly, it defines the number of value propositions. 

And lastly and most importantly, it influences the development cost greatly. 

Thus, be extra vigilant while deciding on the feature set. 

To make your job easy, our business analysts are here to suggest a well-balanced feature set for your medical waste disposal software.

Features for healthcare settings: 

  • Sign up/login 
  • Profile 
  • Raise job request 
  • Set location 
  • Add instruction 
  • Add medical waste details 
  • Contact vendor 
  • Receive bill 
  • Make online payment 
  • Notifications 
  • View job history 
  • Live tracking 

Features for vendors: 

  • Sign up/login 
  • Profile 
  • Receive job notification 
  • Accept/decline job 
  • View job details 
  • Route planner 
  • Task assignment 
  • Track earning 
  • Promo codes/referral program 
  • Communication tools
  • In-app navigation 

Knowledge is Expensive. But Our Healthcare IT Knowledge is Visionary! 

We’re an Ontario-based healthcare-focused IT company. 

In other words, we only entertain healthcare IT projects.

And that is both a curse and a boon. 

A curse for our business as we missed a lot of projects from other industries (which did not matter to us). 

And a boon for our healthcare clients who can utilize our healthcare-specific IT knowledge for their gain (does matter to us)! 

Our healthcare knowledge has a responsibility to perform.

It must revolutionize the healthcare industry.

And that’s why we call our knowledge visionary knowledge! 

Anyway, our team includes app developers, UI/UX designers, business analysts, compliance specialists, and QA engineers who all work with standards. 

We welcome you to leverage our healthcare IT knowledge for your gain!